I accomplished just about everything I set out to in my last blog post, so kudos to me. Sadly, we were called home for a family tragedy several weeks in a row, my cat had kittens and I've been studying my brains out, so I haven't had the time or energy to post until now!
Some exciting news on the kitty front; the stray "kitten" who adopted us turned out not to be a kitten at all but rather a (worldy-wise) two year old cat who brought three gorgeous little bundles of fur and pink nose into the world on Tuesday night. I had read *everything* I could get my hands on form the internet on kitty birthing and was so excited for my first real nursing experience. Darling said I was being a bit "too involved" but I was sure I would be needed. And of course, right as usual, I was. Kitty number two was breached in the birth canal with his feet out and mommy kitty gave up. He wasn't moving much when he came out but a little rubbing his belly and head and using my baby nasal aspirator (I knew it would come in handy!) and he was right as rain. Three kitties in total, all with their mother's gorgeous camel, gray, and white calico coloring were born between 8.30 and midnight. My secret wish is to keep them all but I suppose that isn't really practical.
This morning I saw two woodpeckers mating (who knew!?) at the base of a tree in our yard. We also have a flycatcher that has for the second year in a row built its nest under our deck. I peeked several weeks ago and saw only a single egg, but I assume more have been laid since. Expect pictures when the birdies hatch.
I have redone the front garden but since I am a poor student will probably only be planting onion bottoms this spring. If you didn't know, you can stick an onion bottom into the ground after the cut part has been let to 'callous' for a day or two and up will pop an onion in no time. I have 7 onions planted so far and will get my garlic started soon. There are quite a few yard farms here and people have already tilled and prepared their beds.
On other fronts, I got my library card!! I rented Persepolis, a French film about an Iranian girl growing up at the time of the Revolution, and Amelie, music by Yann Tiersen, (one of my favorite musicians); checked out Strong Poison by Dorothy Sayers as well. If you don't know Lord Peter Wimsey, you should get to know him, and Strong Poison is the place to start.
I've been making my favorite Persian dish, Kashk-e Bademjan again today. For the last few months the supermarkets were all out of eggplant, in Florida too! Some sort of drought, disease or something kept them off of shelves in their peak season.
When I started this post I was sure I had more interesting things to say but now they've all left me!