27 January 2011

great job on the snow kitty, darling!

A few weeks ago we had massive amounts of snow (for these parts) fall on Greenville. Being, as I am, from Florida, this was glorious...for the first few days. Then the housebound restlessness, aching joins from damp cold, drip drip dripping during the afternoon from ice melting onto the tin roof became almost unbearable. I was so glad to see all the glorious whiteness finally go, although I did feel a bit cynical for wishing it away. And sad, too that it has to go slowly, contaminated and gray. When it's lying on the ground in great piles it's so hard to believe that it's water!

During the first day the world outside our window was quiet and twinkled with pristine beauty. The birds seemed to come out of the woodwork (or, literally the woods) and I saw hosts of tiny Tufted Titmice (Titmouses?), radio active Northern Cardinals and their rusty brown female partners, a single pair of Carolina Wrens, and jumpy little red house finches. We took a drive two days after the big snow and this is what we found.

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