27 January 2011

the beginning of a courtship

It's been just over a year to the day that I made my last blog post. After spending the last day revamping my design and focus for the blog, I'm ready to blog it up. A lot can change in a year; I've quit my job as a refugee advocate, re-routed my career opting for nursing school instead of graduate studies in sociology, moved to Greenville, SC, acquired two kitties and last but not least of all, a dream-boat boyfriend. Time does indeed fly, whether you're having fun or not.

I've now been in Greenville for 6 months exactly and have made a not entirely successful adjustment. I got a part time job at the local Whole Foods Market but couldn't handle pushing carts and bagging groceries with a degree in my pocket, so quit that. My main chance for meeting people is now during my classes, but as most students are quite younger than me, and native South Carolinians, I've found that difficult. There are numerous volunteer opportunities, but I'm finding it hard to create structure in my life at the moment and don't want to jump into anything that in the end I can't keep my commitment to. My best bet is finding things to do that I believe others should know about. My personality tends to be motivated by need or filling an information gap. We'll see what I come up with.

Most days so far, involve birdwatching, kitty scratching, homework, reading news on the web (guardian.co.uk, nytimes.com, telegraph.co.uk, drudgereport.com, greenvilleonline.com, economist.com, npr.org), listening to classical music on npr (the only thing on our local npr station), cleaning the house (a rarely finished task), more kitty scratching, and making dinner for darling boyfriend. Tasks to include in daily routine in the future include but are not limited to : blogging (success!), daily jogging regimen, part time job, A's in college courses, crafting, volunteering, and most importantly finding things to do in and around Greenville that are stimulating and that I can then blog about and share with others.

Stay tuned!

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